Hello everyone! This Monday is Memorial Day. Today we are going to do a fun, festive craft for this holiday. You can use this craft as a decoration to hang everywhere. You can also string it outside for a barbeque. Or you can beat the heat and keep you lanterns inside as a nice, patriotic decoration to give your house that nice red,white,and blue feeling. You can also use these easy lanterns as a decoration Now lets get started!
Construction paper(red,white,and blue)
Cut construction paper to 6 by 9 inches; fold in half lengthwise.
edges back 1/2 inch for rims, and crease; unfold.
Glue a 1/2-by-9-inch
strip of decorative paper on each rim.
Cut slits from middle fold to
rims, spacing 3/4 inch apart.
Shape into lantern: Open paper; bring the
ends together to overlap slightly; staple. Staple 3/4-by-8-inch paper
handle inside lantern.
Hello everyone. In a few weeks Memorial day will come. Today we are going to make a craft that will get you planning for Memorial Day. We will make red,white, and blue rocket favors. You can store candy or anything else in these cute favors to give out during Memorial Day. I hope these rockets sure bring out that patriotic feeling of Memorial Day. Now, lets get started!
Print the clip art onto the heavy weight paper or regular paper if wanted.
Place the rectangular clip art blank side up. Put double sided tape on one side.Fold a piece of tissue paper in half (so it measures 4 by 5 1/2
inches). Place the tissue fold at the bottom of the card stock,
pressing it to the tape to secure.
Roll the card stock and tissue into a tube, and secure with
double-sided tape. Cinch the tissue at the bottom of the rocket, and
tie it with twine.
Roll fan-shaped clip art into a cone; secure with hot glue. Place candies inside rocket. Use hot glue to attach cone to body.
Hello everyone. Today is the last day of April and we are going into May. In May we have Cinco De Mayo, Mother's Day, and Memorial Day. We are going to make a bow for Mother's Day today. This bow can also be for decorating or for hair use. You can use this bow and attach it to your Mother's Day present. Now lets get started!
floral wire or pipe cleaners
a graduated loopy bow.1.Make
a loop leaving the tail the desired length.
Continue making loops gradually increasing the size of the loops until the bow
is full and you have enough ribbon left over to make the remaining tail. 3.
Secure the center of the bow with ribbon or floral wire. 4.
Fan out the loops. 5.
Cut the tails at an angle or in points to finish off the look of the bow.
a loopy bow1.
Make a loop leaving the tail the desired length. 2. Continue making loops
keeping them uniform in size until the bow is full and you have enough ribbon
left over to make the remaining tail. 3. Secure
the center of the bow with floral or bow making wire 4. Fan
out the loops 5. Cut the tails at an angle or in points to finish off
the bow.
Hello everyone, today we are going to make a dream catcher. This craft is very simple. It uses materials that are around your house and it does not cost a lot of money. Usually dream catchers are made out of metal, yarn, and feathers. But, with this dream catcher it will be made out of paper plates, yarn, and paper. This craft may even help you sleep better! Now, lets get started!
4-8 feet of yarn
paper plate
hole puncher
First, cut a big circle out of your paper plate. Next, cut tiny triangles on the edge of the plate.
Color the edges of the plate.
Hole punch 5 holes on the bottom of the plate. Next, cut 5 pieces of tarn and knot the bottoms.
Make a feather outline on your paper and cut it out. Hole punch the top and string it through. Make other feathers for the rest of the strings.
You can make paper beads to string on too! (teaches how to make it in the video below)
Knot each string in one of the five holes.
Now you take your other string and weave the yarn through the triangles. Make sure you knot the yarn so it will be secure.
Weave the yarn back and forth through the plate and knot the end of the string to an edge.
Hello everyone! It is the second week of April and Earth Day is coming closer and closer. Earth Day is the day when you do something good for the Earth. Like, planting flowers or picking up trash from your local trails. Well, today my craft will be based on can tabs. People usually throw these away but, they can be used for different things. We are going to make bracelets with these can tabs. You can also try to make a belt or neckline with these simple steps too!Now lets get started!!!! Materials:
can tabs
First take a long piece of string or ribbon. Then fold it in half, make a knot on top of it.
Take your first tab and string the two strings through the two holes.
Take your next tab and put it under the first tab and put the first hole to the other first hole and string the string through the hole made in the middle.
Keep repeating and then do it to the back of the bracelet also.
Watch the video below to get a better understanding of how to make acan tab bracelet!
Hello everyone! Spring is just coming in. To celebrate Spring, today we are going to makeGiant TissuePaper flowers. This craft makes a good use out of tissue paper to make big, radiant flowers. These flowers are not the usual size of flowers so, surely they will bright up any room. Now lets get started!
For each flower:
6 large sheets of tissue paper
1 pipe cleaner
two 6-foot lengths of green crepe paper
one 4-foot bamboo garden stake or stick(optional)
First stack 6 different-colored sheets of tissue paper, then fold the stack accordion style the long way.
Twist a pipe cleaner around the center.
Round both ends of the stack with scissors.
Open the flower by gently pulling up 1 layer of tissue paper at a time toward the center.
over the flower and use the pipe cleaner ends to attach two 6-foot
strips of crepe paper streamers to the bottom of the flower.
Now take those same ends and wrap them around one end of a bamboo garden stake. Tape them in place to secure.
Hello everyone. Yesterday was the first day of Spring! All the holidays are flying past us. Eater is coming soon! Spring welcomes us and the bunnies and birds start coming out. To get ready for Easter you can make this easy craft. This craft uses items around your house and makes great a great Easter gift. Now lets get started! Materials:
empty egg carton
colored paper
yellow paint
First cut out two egg carton cups.
Take the two cups and on the back, tape them together so they stick.
Take your yellow paint and paint the two egg carton cups.
Cut two small yellow triangles from the paper for the chicks arms.
Cut out two orange triangles from paper for the chicks beak. For the feet, cut out two triangles. Then, on the bottom side of it, cut out smaller triangles.
Hello everyone. St. Patrick's Day is coming up this Sunday. Are you Irish? Even if you are not then you should still join in on the fun. Today I am going to show you how to make a Shamrock Gardland. This craft will welcome your home for St. Patrick's and will bring some Irish spirit to your home. Hopefully the four-leaf clovers will bring you luck. Now lets get started!
green pipe-cleaners
Cut three equal pieces of string to the same size.
Tightly braid your three pieces of string. (If you do not know how to braid your string look down all the way after direction number 5)
Simply wrap the pipe cleaner around all four fingers, slip them off, then bend the long end around the middle to make the stem.
4.Loop your shamrocks on the braided string and tie the ends of the string so the shamrocks won't fall off of it.
The debate against Digital Art and Sequential Art is now on The Creative Corner. Which one is better in the Art showdown? Lets find out and see...
Digital Art Digital art is art that you can make with technology. Digital art has transformed art into something you can do online. The meaning of Digital art is: a general term for a range of artistic works and practices that use digital technology as an essential part of the creative and/or presentation process. Most Digital art is made for advertisements or for special effects in films. Digital art is mostly 2D visual information displayed on a monitor, and then, the information mathematically translates into 3D information, viewed through the perspective projection on a monitor. The simplest is 2D computer graphics which reflect how you might draw using a pencil and a piece of paper.
Sequential Art
Sequential art is like comics. But, some early examples of sequential art are cave paintings or Egyptian hieroglyphs. Greeks also made Sequential sculpture. They would make vases to tell stories. The pottery they made lacked color and used sculpture instead. Another example of Sequential art is weaving. Weaving can also tell a story. Most recently we use comics.You can find them in the pages of magazines and newspapers. This first chart will show you the pros and cons of Digital Art.
Digital Art Pros
can make with technology
can be used in films as special effects
can be used in advertisements
new features can bring new ideas
many options for the tools
easy to edit
replaces the real art
can make paintings exactly the same as the real thing
does not provide the texture and volume of the real art
does not have the real art effect
some techniques are harder to do
This second chart is about the pros and cons about Sequential Art.
Sequential Art Pros
form of using images deployed in sequence
can be comics, Greek pottery, Egyptian hieroglyphs,etc.
Both Digital art and Sequential art both have good reasons. Digital art is the modern way to do art. Sequential art is another classic type of art. Which do you prefer? Take the poll to find out which one is better.
The debate against Traditional Art and Modern Art is here.
Traditional Art Traditional art is cultural artwork. Traditional artists work organically within a community. These artists learn informally from someone that is in their community. Traditional art can also be named folk art. Since Traditional art did not have to be "art" it could have been a tattooed bamboo pipe or a calendar stick. Traditional art is not only folk art but is like a painting. This type of Traditional art focuses on realistic things but sometimes mythical. This kind of Traditional art can also focus on religious things. Modern Art Modern art is a style of a kind of artwork that extended around the 1860s to the 1970s. Modern artists made artwork that were abstracted. Some modern art includes different colorful shapes or figures. Modern art can be reduced to three solids:cube,sphere,and cone. Modern art has different styles like analytic cubism and synthetic cubism. This kind of art is made up of different textures,surfaces,collage elements,papier collé and a large variety of merged subject matter.
The first chart shows only the pro and cons of Traditional art. Traditional Art Pros
has been defined within the parameters of painting,drawing,sculpting, and architecture
we refer to it as realist or figurative
focuses on the figure and realism
was based on human figure of landscape
can also be like folk art
the art has sometimes been altered
some artists forged traditional materials
some of the artwork went in neither category of painting of sculpture
stayed with the tradition
lead oxides may be used in some of the art
The second chart shows the pros and cons about Modern art.
Modern Art Pros
abstraction is used
the artists feel free to trust their inner visions
characterized by a large number of different movements occurring at the same time
Both of these types of art have different good things about them. Traditional art stays within the rules. But, Modern art goes all the way out and breaks the boundaries of art. I personally like Traditional art better. Traditional art is my style. This is just my opinion. Which type of art do you like better? Now it is your time to choose which is better. Traditional art and Modern art are both good but I prefer Traditional art. Please take the poll to see which type of art is better.