- empty egg carton
- colored paper
- markers
- glue
- scissors
- tape
- yellow paint

- First cut out two egg carton cups.
- Take the two cups and on the back, tape them together so they stick.
- Take your yellow paint and paint the two egg carton cups.
- Cut two small yellow triangles from the paper for the chicks arms.
- Cut out two orange triangles from paper for the chicks beak. For the feet, cut out two triangles. Then, on the bottom side of it, cut out smaller triangles.
- Glue the beak,feet,and arms on the chick.
- Make the eyes with a black marker.
- Enjoy!!!!!!
I got some of this from:http://paperplateandplane.wordpress.com/2011/03/19/easter-egg-carton-chicks/
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